Aafiya Insurance Hospital List in Dubai

Are your insurance company utilizes the services of the Aafiya healthcare management company? Aafiya Insurance Hospital list contains each classification of hospitals located all across Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and Al Ain. Aafiya Insurance has a major contribution to UAE health Care management many world-class insurance companies like Union Insurance, Axa, Oman Insurance companies. Many Insurance companies in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all across UAE use a list of provider hospitals that are managed by Aafiya insurance. Innovation in health care management gives Aafiya insurance tremendous growth and high benchmarks in the UAE insurance industry. All insured members’ policies are included with a high-standard network of hospitals. Due to wide experience and relationship with major hospitals in UAE Aafiya manage to optimize healthcare cost and the insured member will get lower base cost, discounts, and high-quality medical consultation.

Getting a claim for your hospital bill is a crucial part of your insurance policy. You might don’t know that actually, your insurance companies didn’t manage claims but instead utilizes the Claim Management services of Aafiya insurance company. Aafiya’s expertise has medical teams that guide clients according to their needs and make their claim process smoother. Their team also ensure to manage cost while taking care of clients healthcare needs. More than 80% of claims need no manual paperwork as Aafiya insurance uses a digital cashless system intelligently process each claim online. The online claim management system is fully automatic that quickly settle the claim with health care providers and keep the accuracy of benefits to the same level.

Aafiya Insurance Hospital and Clinics List in Dubai:

The below list contains a network of hospitals under Aafiya Apn Edge Network, Apn Essential Networks, Gold, and Elite Network. Must refer to your insurance policy manual to see which hospital network membership you have. From below you can also download the complete Aafiya list of network hospitals in Dubai, which contains all hospitals including medical centers, eye hospitals, and dental care centers. The below list contains hospitals, Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers of Dubai Emirates.

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APN Basic Network List Dubai

Apn Essential 1 Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download

Apn Essential 1 PharmaciesDownload

Apn Essential 2 Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download

Apn with Thumbay Hospital and Clinics

Apn Individual Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download


APN Standard Network List Dubai

Apn Edge Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download

Apn Plus Hospitals, Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download

Apn Premier Hospitals,  Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download


Aafiya Comprehensive Network List

Aafiya Gold Hospital, Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare CentersDownload

Aafiya Diamond Hospital, Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare Centers – Download

Aafiya Elite Hospitals, Clinics, Dental, Optical, and Daycare CentersDownload

Aafiya Insurance Hospital List

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